Fall Volleyball:
Registration: July 1st – August 15th!
Boys & Girls: Ages 8-16
FEE: $45 (Includes Jersey, Shorts, & Knee Pads)
All participants are required to play in their correct age division…No Exceptions.
Age Control Date: September 1, 2024
We will provide Jerseys, shorts, knee pads, and balls. You need to provide tennis shoes, water bottle, and a great attitude.
- 8 to 10 year old’s will be Skills and Drills (Instruction only).
- 11 to 16 year old’s will have several trainings/practices in August and then will play games in September. We will divide the players up by age groups.
Player Evaluation
- 8-11 year old’s on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:30pm at Citizen Park Gym
- 11-16 year old’s Tuesday, August 20th at 7:30pm at Citizen Park Gym
Team Selections will be after evaluations (Coaches Only)
All trainings and games will be at Citizen Park Gym.
All participants are required to play in their correct age division…No Exceptions.
All fees must be paid at the time of registration. Those who register after August 13th will be charged a $10 late fee. Players will be put on a waiting list and will be added to teams only if openings become available. Reduced fee program is available if you register by August 13th, please call for details. Register online or in our office during office hours.
2024 BC Scholarship Application Form
ATTN COACHES: Thank you for all you do!! We really appreciate you volunteering to coach and being a positive role model. Please remember that ALL coaches that participate in games must be certified. Coach certification is MANDATORY!! Your coach application & background check form must be submitted to the Jonathan Broxton Park Office before coach certification. Online coach certification will no longer be reimbursed. No adults are allowed on the field or in the dugout area during games unless they are wearing their recreation department issued coach’s shirt. No Exceptions!!! You will not be issued a coach’s shirt until you have been certified AND have completed & submitted all your paperwork to the Jonathan Broxton Park Office. Also…coach’s shirts will no longer be issued on opening day…so please have all your coaching requirements completed by the required date…or you will not be allowed to coach your team on opening day.
Click here to register online for Volleyball
Contact us here:
465 Burke Veterans Parkway
Waynesboro, Georgia 30830
Office: (706) 554-5210